c-61.1, r. 15 - By-law respecting applications for financial assistance submitted to the Fondation de la faune du Québec

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À jour au 1er septembre 2012
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chapter C-61.1, r. 15
By-law respecting applications for financial assistance submitted to the Fondation de la faune du Québec
Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife
(chapter C-61.1, s. 148).
O.C. 37-88.
1. Any application for financial assistance submitted to the Fondation de la Faune du Québec shall be in writing. An application concerning a program in force at the Foundation shall be submitted on the form prepared for that purpose by the Foundation.
O.C. 37-88, s. 1; O.C. 1323-93, s. 1.
2. The information that an application for financial assistance must contain is as follows:
(1)  information related to the project and containing the following particulars:
(a)  the name of the project, the location, ownership and area;
(b)  the nature of the problem, the type of action planned, the results expected and the benefits to the community;
(c)  the general situation of the site, the wildlife potential, the demand for use and the effects on wildlife;
(d)  the solutions already considered;
(e)  the precise objectives targeted;
(f)  a description of the methods proposed for carrying it out;
(g)  the principal stages and time required for carrying it out;
(h)  any studies or works already carried out;
(i)  the management procedures planned;
(j)  the guarantees of permanence of the action, the measures planned and their duration;
(k)  the method of evaluating results;
(l)  the direct costs associated with each stage of the realization;
(m)  the distribution of expenses, in particular, those referring to manpower, capital expenditures and administration;
(n)  the sources of financing planned, including the promoter’s contribution;
(o)  the amount and form of assistance requested (grant, loan, repayment of interest or other);
(p)  the landscaping planned;
(q)  maintenance and supervision of the site;
(r)  the use of the site;
(s)  the annual charges forecast;
(t)  expected income;
(u)  the possible role of the Foundation;
(2)  information related to the applicant containing the following particulars:
(a)  the status of the organization, if applicable;
(b)  the registration number as a charitable organization, if applicable;
(c)  the representativeness and involvement in the field;
(d)  previous accomplishments;
(3)  information regarding the partner containing the following particulars:
(a)  a summary description of the partner involved in carrying out the project;
(b)  the partner’s financial involvement;
(c)  the other forms of participation.
O.C. 37-88, s. 2.
3. The following documents must accompany the application for financial assistance:
(1)  copy of the certificate of incorporation or letters patent of the applicant, if applicable;
(2)  the financial statements of the organization for the last year, if applicable;
(3)  supporting letters received, including any justification;
(4)  a map identifying the territorial boundaries of the project.
O.C. 37-88, s. 3.
4. Applications for financial assistance shall be evaluated by the comparison method where they concern a program in force at the Foundation. All other applications shall be evaluated in chronological order.
O.C. 37-88, s. 4; O.C. 1323-93, s. 2.
5. (Revoked).
O.C. 37-88, s. 5; O.C. 1323-93, s. 3.
6. (Revoked).
O.C. 37-88, s. 6; O.C. 1323-93, s. 3.
7. An application for financial assistance refused by the Foundation may be reassessed, provided that new relevant particulars are entered in the file.
O.C. 37-88, s. 7; O.C. 1323-93, s. 4.
8. The criteria of evaluation of an application for financial assistance are as follows:
(1)  the scale of the project, comprising in particular: the scope of the action and the value of the site from the biological, social and economic aspects;
(2)  the relevance of the action, comprising in particular: the potential before and after action and the effects on wildlife;
(3)  the extent of planning of project, comprising in particular: preliminary studies, consultations, evaluation procedures and follow-up;
(4)  the financial aspect of the project, comprising in particular: cost in proportion to benefits and the diversity of financial sources;
(5)  the applicant’s contribution, comprising in particular: his experience and his financial contribution;
(6)  the quantitative evaluation of the financial assistance already granted to the applicant;
(7)  the project’s contribution toward achieving the specific objectives determined by the Foundation for carrying out its mandate.
O.C. 37-88, s. 8; O.C. 1323-93, s. 5.
9. Sections 1 to 8 apply, with the necessary modifications, to applications for financial assistance related to non-territorial projects.
O.C. 37-88, s. 9.
10. (Omitted).
O.C. 37-88, s. 10.
O.C. 37-88, 1988 G.O. 2, 935
S.Q. 1988, c. 39, s. 42
O.C. 1323-93, 1993 G.O. 2, 5299